Adding Students

17 Mar 2023, 17:18

Download Students UBI File for your school from the UBI Portal. The downloaded file will be in xls format.

Open it in MS Excel and save it as xlsx

No need to make any modification in the content. No need to delete header, etc. The system will take care of everything.

Click on Upload Students Data

Choose the xlsx file and upload

The system will process the data. All ACTIVE students will be inserted and rest will be skipped. At the end, you will get a report with number of records processed and those skipped.

In case you upload the same file again, no record will be imported as all students are already in the system. In case more students are added in future, you can simply upload the New file without the need to remove old students. The system will detect the Duplicates and skip them.

Editing of student Data will be made available in near future.

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