Change Section of a Student

17 Mar 2023, 18:20

Before changing section of a student, the following points must be noted.

1. If any entry of marks, attendance or co-scholastics has been made for that student, the same will be deleted and should be entered again after shifting the student.

2. A summary of all such entries will be displayed before the deletion. It is the responsibility of the person executing the shifting to save the page and get the entries done again after shifting.

The Process

In the KV Dashboard, Go to "View Students"

Set filters to get the student listed

 Use the search option to find the student in the list

 Click the Pencil Icon in Section Column 

In next page, all the entries made for the concerned student will be displayed.

Please note that these entries will be deleted. Take a printout or save a pdf of the page using the "Click to Print" button

 Select the new section, enter remarks, check the consent box and submit the form. The entries will be deleted and the student will be shifted to the new section immediately.

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