Free Widget

26 Aug 2018, 23:24

What is Free Widget ?

Free Widget can be used to add various items in the home page.

What are the type of contents supported by Free Widget ?

Free widget can be used to display any or a combination of following contents.

  • Plain Text
  • HTML Formatted Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Images
  • Javascripts
  • IFrames
  • You Tube Videos
  • Other third party (embed) codes
  • Dynamic Google Map

Many other items can be entered. Server side languages like php, asp, aspx, etc cannot be entered as they will be converetd to HTML. Feel free to try other things and let us know in the comment section below so that we can update the list.

How to use Free Widget ?

  1. Click on Free Widgets in Dashboard.

  2. Click on Add

  3. Select a type and proceed accordingly.

  4. Your widget is ready and will appear in the list. Now you need to proceed to Home Widgets to PUBLISH the newsly created widget.

How to add a youtube video in Free Widget ?

Please click here for the process of adding youtube videos.

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