Supplementary Management

18 Apr 2024, 10:09

IMPORTANT: Supplementary Report Cards can be Printed from Supplementary Section only.

The facility to enter supplementary marks and print Supplementary Report Cards is available in the School's (KV Admin) Panel.

On clicking the above link, you will see all sections of 9th and 11th. If the analysis has not been prepared or is very old as per system's algorithm, you will be prompted to rebuild the data first. Once ok, the option to manage supplementary results will be available for each class.

On clicking the link for a class, you will see all subjects that have failed students in that Class & Section. Click on a subject to manage supplementary marks for that subject.


On clicking a subject, all students (of selected class and section) appearing in Suuplementary exam for that subject will be listed.

Please enter marks secured for each student. There is no provision of marking absent in supplementary. A student not appearing in exam should be given 0.

Enter maximum marks against which the supplementary exam has been taken, It is 80 or 70 in general. But you can enter any value and system will make calculations as per rules.

If the marks have already been entered, you will get the option to edit.

Once all marks have been entered for a student, the supplementary report card and original report card (Before supplementary) can be printed for that student. To do so, click on the link "Print Report Cards"

The system will list ALL student in that class that are supplementary.

Clicking on "Original" will render the Report Card as Seen before entering supplementary marks. Clicking on "Supplementary" will render the report card after adding supplementary marks.

ORIGINAL REPORT CARD (Header & Footer hidden for privacy)

Supplementary Report Card

Another Supplementary Report Card

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