Assigning Roles to Employees

08 Apr 2023, 09:12

The employees can be assigned Roles under 3 Categories

  • Subject Teacher (Enters marks for assigned subjects)
  • Class Teacher (Enters Attendance, CoScholastic Grades, etc. Assigns roll nos., generates report cards, etc)
  • Examination Committee I/C or member (Monitors entries and Generates report cards)

Click on Manage Employees

Subject Teacher

Click on Subject Teacher Link

You will see a list of currently assigned subjects for the particular teacher

To assign new subject, select Class & section. As soon as you change class, the subjects field will be saturated with all the subjects applicable for that class. Select the section and appropriate subject for the employee.

Assign Subject. Now the employee will be able to add marks for that subject.

Class Teacher

Click on Class Teacher Link

Select Class, Section and Role and then click Assign Class

The employee can now manage the class as a class teacher.Similarly the employee can be assigned as checker.


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