Misc Articles: FreeBox Answer: Q. What is FreeBox ?
A. FreeBox is a module that allows you to upload various types of files so that you can embed them in ...
Misc Articles: The account has been suspended Answer: Why is my website is showing "Account Suspended" message ?
Accounts are generally suspended due to one of the following reasons
Malicious file(s) are detected in your ...
Misc Articles: How to contact Medialab® Answer: WhatsApp
You can communicate with 9424 10 20 30 on WhatsApp.
Mails can be sent to sg@medialab.in . Our team will look into the matter on same day and ...
Misc Articles: Free Widget Answer: What is Free Widget ?
Free Widget can be used to add various items in the home page.
What are the type of contents supported by Free ...
Misc Articles: Connecting to FTP Service on S Series Servers Answer: We recommend using CoreFTP which can be downloaded for free from http://www.coreftp.com/download.html
Use the following settings. Take Special care to UNCHECK PASV
Click connect and you will be connected ...
Misc Articles: CBSE Norms for Website Answer: The website of a CBSE School MUST contain the following information
Affiliation Status
Infrastructural Details
Staff Details
Enrollment Status (Class / Section wise)
Postal Address
Telephone Numbers
Email ID
Details of Management Committee
Transfer ...
Misc Articles: Syndicated Mail - Adding / Managing Mailboxes Answer: 1. Login to the panel using the URL and credentials provided by Medialab
2. Go to Mail > Mailboxes
3. Create Mailbox
4. Go to Mail > Forwards ...
Subject Teacher: Adding Marks Answer: From Employee Dashboard, click "Marks Entry"
All Classes and Subjects assigned to you will be listed. For each subject, you will get the option to enter ...