Features of class teacher panel for (9-12)
The class teachers panel for 9th ,10th, 11th& 12th will contain the same features as discussed in the previous article except two features.
Manage Subjects-
Since the higher classes have elective/optional subject so there is high chance that a student or more might choose different subjects. So in order to allot the subjects the teachers needs to update the subject for each student.
This can be done Either by selecting the subjects one by one and updating it for the student or by selecting the same subjects for all the students at once if all have the same set of subjects. The mass selection can be done by clicking the box given above the name of the subject.
After selecting the subjects for students the class teacher needs to click update subjects for the selected students.
After updating the subjects for the selected students the tick mark will be displayed all the time on the selected subjects for the students in front of their name. In case of any changes simply remove the tick mark by clicking on it again.
Note- The class teachers of higher class needs to manage subjects first because then only the students will be visible to the subject teachers of that class.
Note- The predefined subjects are based on the feedback. If at all any subject is not present which is applicable at your school, then the respective authority can contact us and we will add the new subject.
Manage streams is applicable for classes 11th and 12th to select the streams of the students. It is done so as to biffercate the students stream-wise.
For managing the streams the class teacher needs to select the students either one by one or can do mass selection and then click on the desired stream and press update streams for selected students.
Note- The Stream selection is to be done before the subject selection by the class teachers.
Class 10&12-
For class 10th and 12th monthly tests are taken therefore only for these classes the class teacher can view the Monthly Tests Status,Month wise Test Report,Subject wise Test Report.
Monthly test status-
The monthly test status shows the entry status of the test marks by the subject teacher. The class teacher can either view the overall entry at once or can view the status one by one.
Month wise test report & Subject wise test report-